Aging and Disability Resource Center




The purpose of this policy is to establish a set of standards for including agencies in the Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) resource database, on its website, or in other publications for use by the public, including those who need financial assistance as well as those who have personal resources to pay for services. The policy also establishes procedures for updating the database.



Qualified service providers that empower older adults, disabled adults, and/or family caregivers to make personal decisions, plans, and connections that allow them to live as independently and fully as possible shall be included in the ADRC resource database. Each Area Agency on Aging (AAA) shall establish and maintain the resource database for services in its planning and service area, according to the criteria and procedures described below.



The ADRC is a one-stop source for long term care information and services for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers who need help in caring for a family member or loved ones. The ADRC is a collaborative project funded in part by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, State of Hawai'i and the Counties of Kaua'i, Maui, Hawai'i, and the City and County of Honolulu. The sponsoring agency for County’s ADRC is its respective Area Agency on Aging.


The ADRC includes an electronic searchable resource database. The database will assist staff, participants, caregivers, providers and others in the community in finding local long term services and supports. The information in the database will be accessible on Hawaii’s Aging & Disability Resource Center website and may be used to create printed material.


ADRC Resource Database Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria Disclaimer


Although this policy indicates what agencies and services are eligible for inclusion in the database, the ADRC reserves the right to prioritize and limit entry;

A listing in either the Handbook or online directory does not constitute an endorsement of or liability for any agency, program or service and omission does not indicate disapproval;

An organization will be on probationary exclusion (inactive status) if they have not provided service for at least 6 months;

Non-compliance with the inclusion process is grounds for exclusion;

The ADRC reserves the right to edit information to meet format, guideline, space and taxonomy requirements;

The ADRC will make every effort to provide complete and accurate information, but it neither guarantees nor makes any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in its resource database. The user takes full responsibility to further research the services and information listed in the resource directory and on the website.



The resource database will include services and programs that address the needs of older adults and adults with a disability or long term services and supports needs and/or their caregivers. Current inclusion criteria are as follows:

1. Government and non-profit agencies and programs that provide assistance for the targeted populations (e.g., federal, state, city/county government, 501c3 designated non-profits, crisis lines, help lines, etc). No attempt will be made to list all government agencies and departments.

2. Agencies that are certified, licensed, or accredited by the appropriate levels of government, as applicable (e.g., adult day care, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, home health services, hospitals, etc);

3. Agencies and programs that are tax-exempt or do not charge fees.

4. Self-help support groups that do not charge a fee or charge a nominal fee.

5. Senior and disability advocacy groups and community coalitions.

6. Agencies, including for-profit, proprietary and non-profit, that provide State, City or County contracted services.

7. For-profit, commercial or private organizations may be considered on an individual basis. Evaluation of inclusion is based on the following:

Uniqueness of service (e.g., specially targeted services or services that are otherwise difficult to access);

Financial eligibility (agency also offers free service, scholarship, reduced fees, sliding fee scale or accepts Medicaid);

Lack of comparable services in the public, non-profit sector;

Demonstrated community need for services.



The ADRC reserves the right to make the final determination to include or exclude any agency from the resource database. Exclusion criteria are as follows:

1. In general, private practitioners or group practices in the following areas are excluded, except as may be necessary under inclusion criteria: i.e. medical doctors, legal/paralegal providers, mental health practitioners, insurance agents, investment or banking lenders, nutritionists, physical therapists, chiropractors, dentists.

2. Any agency that knowingly or unknowingly discriminates or violates local, state or federal discrimination laws and regulations.

3. Any agency or person that misrepresents their services in any way or provides misleading or fraudulent information to the public.

4. Have been in existence less than one year, except for government agencies.

5. Do not respond in a timely manner when asked to update agency/program information.

6. Programs where standards of service quality are regulated and for which there exists an entity that adequately maintains current data (e.g., Department of Health, Office of Health Care Assurance, maintains vacancy list for adult residential care homes).

7. Elected government officials.

8. Other organizations that do not offer long term services and supports or other resources that allow older adults and individuals with disabilities to live in the community.  


Regarding Exclusion or Elimination from the Database

If an organization/agency submits an application and is determined to be ineligible to be listed within the database, the ADRC will respond with a letter of explanation.

The ADRC has the right to refuse or discontinue listing organizations that have had complaints filed with the ADRC, other aging and disability network programs, the Better Business Bureau or a regulatory entity.

The ADRC has the right to eliminate a program/organization for failing to update its record annually.

•The ADRC has the right to eliminate a program/organization when it is determined that the program is not in compliance with federal, state, or local laws.

Organizations wanting to be removed from the database or resource directory should contact the ADRC by phone or email. 

If the organization has been denied database inclusion for the following reasons, please do not reapply for admittance as we will not be able to include your program:

If an organization is denied database entry based on a severe complaint file with the ADRC, a regulatory board, or the Better Business Bureau;

If an organization is involved in illegal practices;

Agencies that misrepresent their services in any way;

If your agency has been removed from the database for any of the exclusion reasons listed above.



1. Organizations wanting to be included in the database shall submit an application and full documentation as requested (“Aging and Disability Resource Center Resource Database Application Form”).

2. Complete the application form and return it to the ADRC on the website or by mail, fax or email.

3. Each county will apply these criteria and review and approve new applications that come in on its individual websites.  EOA will review and approve applications for resources that are statewide. The evaluation of applications may take up to 15 business days.


If you accept these terms, please click accept, then complete and submit the application form for inclusion into our State database.  Mahalo! 


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